Revision date: 07/jul/2022
MAM4PRO version: 2022.06.00
To facilitate the MAM4PRO operation, you can integrate a shuttle device. The model validated by MOG was the Shuttle ProV2.
Before starting the integration process, be sure you have installed the Shuttle driver. The version that MOG recommends is 2.13.3, which can be found at
Note: if you are a Windows user, after installing the Shuttle driver, please make sure the Shuttle icon is visible in the system tray (area near the clock) and not located in the hidden icons. This will allow you to tell which program is in focus for the Shuttle to communicate with.
For information on how to change a pre-existing setting on the Shuttle, as well as adding a new setting, whether based on an existing one or from scratch, or on how to import and export settings, please refer to the Shuttle manual, made available by the manufacturer in
To consult the MAM4PRO shortcuts, press “F1” on the keyboard or click on the “HELP” menu located on the lower left side of the screen.
The shortcuts will work from the moment the corresponding widget is added to the current dashboard, except for the player shortcuts, as there are situations in which there is more than one player instance on the same dashboard. In this case, it is necessary to first select the instance that will be worked on.
The shortcuts displayed will vary depending on the page the user is on. For the Dashboard, the shortcuts are shown like in the image below.
These shortcuts are based on the following configuration files:
C:\Program Files\MOG\MAM4PRO\mCore\www_mSRv3\WebSite\app\config\shortcuts\shortcut.json;
C:\Program Files\MOG\MAM4PRO\mCore\www_mSRv3\WebSite\app\config\shortcuts\steps.json.
Note: in case there is a need to change the shortcuts configured by default, we recommend that you back up the original configuration.
The shortcuts are divided into groups that are shown below:
Shortcuts common to all menus that allow you to add new items.
or ctrl+alt+i
(add a new item to the current menu).ctrl+s
(saves the item being edited);ctrl+z
(cancels changes to an item being edited);ctrl+d
(duplicates the selected item);ctrl+del
(deletes the selected item);shift+left
(go to the previous dashboard);shift+right
(go to the next dashboard);ctrl+d
(add a new dashboard);ctrl+ins
or ctrl+alt+i
(add a new widget to the current dashboard).Shortcuts for players with the command bars “SDI-OUT Viewer”, “SDI-OUT Editor”, “Web Viewer”, “Web Editor”, “SDI”, and “SDI + Abort”.
(starts or pauses video playback on the selected player);alt+r
(start signal capture);alt+s
(stops the recording and keeps the assets);Note: pressing the button twice (or pressing the button while a capture is already being stopped) will force-stop the capture, which means the final recording will not present any timecode or timestamp.
(stops recording and deletes the assets);alt+e
(ejects the asset);ctrl+i
(marks the start of a video trim);ctrl+o
(marks the end of a video trim);alt+k
(adds the clip to playlist builder);alt+l
(adds the clip to the currently selected edit decision list);ctrl+j
(fast rewinds);ctrl+l
(fast forwards);left
(rewinds a video frame);right
(advances a video frame);shift+alt+left
(each step will rewind a frame);shift+alt+right
(each step will advance a frame);ctrl+shift+alt+left
(fast rewinds in increments);ctrl+shift+alt+right
(fast forwards in increments);ctrl+alt+n
(go to next player);ctrl+alt+b
(go to the previous player);ctrl+shift+i
(toggles between showing or hiding player overlays);shift+0
(rewinds at normal speed);shift+1
(fast rewinds with 2 seconds of increment);shift+2
(fast rewinds with 4 seconds of increment);shift+3
(fast rewinds with 8 seconds of increment);shift+4
(fast rewinds with 16 seconds of increment);shift+5
(forwards at normal speed);shift+6
(fast forwards with 2 seconds of increment);shift+7
(fast forwards with 4 seconds of increment);shift+8
(fast forwards with 8 seconds of increment);shift+9
(fast forwards with 16 seconds of increment).Shortcuts for players with the command bars “SDI-OUT VTR Editor / Print to Tape”, “SDI VTR”, and “SDI Print to Tape”.
(toggles between jog and shuttle functions);ctrl+alt+r
(start recording or send the “Print to tape” command to the VTR);ctrl+alt+s
(sends “Stop” command to VTR);ctrl+space
(sends “Play/Pause” command to VTR);ctrl+h
(sends “Stop” command to VTR);ctrl+e
(sends “Eject” command to VTR);ctrl+alt+t
(goes to the beginning of the tape);ctrl+alt+e
(goes to the end of the tape);ctrl+alt+j
(sends “rewinds at normal speed” command to VTR);ctrl+alt+l
(sends “fast forwards in increments” command to VTR);ctrl+left
(sends “Step Backward 1 Frame” command to VTR);ctrl+right
(fast tape forwards in increments);ctrl+alt+k
(sends cut to tape);shift+ctrl+left
(sends fast backward command to VTR using the jog or shuttle function);shift+ctrl+right
(sends fast forward command to VTR using the jog or shuttle function);shift+ctrl+F1
(sends “Rewind at normal speed” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F2
(sends “fast rewinds with 2 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F3
(sends “fast rewinds with 4 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F4
(sends “fast rewinds with 8 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F5
(sends “fast rewinds with 16 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F6
(sends “fast rewinds with 32 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F7
(sends “Forward at normal speed” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F8
(sends “fast forwards with 2 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F9
(sends “fast forwards with 4 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F10
(sends “fast forwards with 8 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F11
(sends “fast forwards with 16 seconds of increment” command to VTR);shift+ctrl+F12
(sends “fast forwards with 32 seconds of increment” command to VTR).Shortcuts with the “Gang Capture” and “Gang Play” widgets.
(starts the gang recording);alt+2
(stops the gang recording);alt+3
(stops recording and deletes the assets (to activate this option, contact MOG, see chapter “Contacts”);alt+4
(plays/pauses all selected channels);alt+5
(stops the playout on all playing channels);alt+6
(rewind to the previous frame);alt+7
(advance to the next frame);alt+8
(ejects the asset);ctrl+alt+0
(rewinds at normal speed);ctrl+alt+1
(fast rewinds with 2 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+2
(fast rewinds with 4 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+3
(fast rewinds with 8 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+4
(fast rewinds with 16 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+5
(forwards at normal speed);ctrl+alt+6
(fast forwards with 2 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+7
(fast forwards with 4 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+8
(fast forwards with 8 seconds of increment);ctrl+alt+9
(fast forwards with 16 seconds of increment).Shortcuts to the “Switcher” widget.
(switches the audio and video signal to the previous channel);ctrl+alt+right
(switches the audio and video signal to the next channel);ctrl+alt+0
(changes audio signal to silent and video signal to the black frame);ctrl+alt+[0-9]
(switches the audio and video signal to the chosen channel. Channels from 0 to 9);ctrl+alt+shift+[10-n]
(switches the audio and video signal to the chosen channel. Channels from 10).Note: channels start at 0 from the first top-left frame.